Module S.ICMPv4

include Firewall_tree__.Tree_base.ICMPv4 with type ipv4_addr := IPv4.ipv4_addr
type ipv4_addr
type icmpv4_type =
| ICMPv4_Echo_reply of {
id : string;
seq : int;
| ICMPv4_Destination_unreachable
| ICMPv4_Source_quench
| ICMPv4_Redirect
| ICMPv4_Echo_request of {
id : string;
seq : int;
| ICMPv4_Time_exceeded
| ICMPv4_Parameter_problem
| ICMPv4_Timestamp_request of {
id : string;
seq : int;
| ICMPv4_Timestamp_reply of {
id : string;
seq : int;
| ICMPv4_Information_request of {
id : string;
seq : int;
| ICMPv4_Information_reply of {
id : string;
seq : int;
type icmpv4_header
type icmpv4_payload_raw
val icmpv4_header_to_icmpv4_type : icmpv4_header -> icmpv4_type
val make_dummy_icmpv4_header : unit -> icmpv4_header
val update_icmpv4_header_ : icmpv4_type option -> icmpv4_header -> icmpv4_header
val icmpv4_payload_raw_to_byte_string : icmpv4_payload_raw -> string
val byte_string_to_icmpv4_payload_raw : string -> icmpv4_payload_raw
val update_icmpv4_header : ?⁠icmpv4_type:icmpv4_type -> icmpv4_header -> icmpv4_header